Engaging governments- for social entrepreneurs

Social entrepreneurs can use their influence to help their communities choose the right governments that support social impact ventures.

Interview Tips for YALI

The best leaders are those humble enough to seek answers from others Adebayo Alonge The Solutions Ideator image credit: http://www.opportunitiesforafricans.com Congratulations now that you are through to this stage. It says a lot about you to have made it this far. Now make it count. This stage is as competitive as the application stage and … Continue reading Interview Tips for YALI

The Social Entrepreneurship Mindset

 The social entrepreneurship mindset is one that actively seeks to identify and solve problems faced by impoverished communities in a sustainable way they can pay for.                                                              Adebayo Alonge                                                          Image credit: http://www.noulakaz.net The Entrepreneurial Context Imagine that you are a freshman in a public university whose day by 8 a.m. starts with lectures. You and your colleagues … Continue reading The Social Entrepreneurship Mindset